M Hapgood, M Angling, G Attrill, C Burnett, P Cannon, M Gibbs, R Harrison, C Hord, R Horne, D Jackson, B Jones, J Preston, J Rees, A Richards, K Ryden, R Tanner, A Thomson, M Willis (2016) Summary of space weather worst-case environments. Revised edition. RAL Technical Report RAL-TR-2016-06.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/25015281
Mike Hapgood (2008), Nano Satellite Beacons for Space Weather Monitoring: Final Report on ESA study contract 18474/04/NL/LvH.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/42988
Mike Hapgood (2005), Refinement of Requirements for Nano Satellite Beacons for Space Weather Monitoring: Report under ESA contract 18474/04/NL/LvH.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/41689
Mike Hapgood (2005), Report on radiation environment analysis for the cruise phase of an interplanetary mission: Report under ESA contract 12854/98/NL/NB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/36656
Mike Hapgood (2005), Report on demonstration of particle-induced background in detectors analysis: Report under ESA contract 12854/98/NL/NB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/36658
Mike Hapgood (2004), Report on the solar protons events model: Report under ESA contract 12854/98/NL/NB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/36655
Mike Hapgood (2004), Report on demonstration of correlation of spacecraft anomalies with environment data: Report under ESA contract 12854/98/NL/NB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/36657
M. Hapgood (2003), System Specification for Mars Express, Payload Operations Service (MEX POS), MEX-RAL-SS-0001, 2003.
M.A. Hapgood (2001) ESA Space Weather Study: Project Implementation Plan and Final Report, Report under ESA contract 14069/99/NL/SB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/34262
M.A. Hapgood (2001) Roadmap for European co-ordination in space weather, Report under ESA contract 14069/99/NL/SB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/34263
M.A. Hapgood (2001) Catalogue of European space weather resources, Report under ESA contract 14069/99/NL/SB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/34265
M.A. Hapgood (2001) Ground segment interface with space-based space weather measurements,Report under ESA contract 14069/99/NL/SB.
Access via URL: http://swe.ssa.esa.int/TECEES/spweather/esa_initiatives/spweatherstudies/RAL/wp431_report_v12.pdf
M.A. Hapgood and M. Oliver (2001) A definition of instruments needed for space weather measurements, ESWS-RAL-TN-0001, Report under ESA contract 14069/99/NL/SB.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/34266
M.A. Hapgood, (1999) "Space Environment Database and Analysis Tools. Software Specification Document ", RAL-SED-SS-0001, June 1999.
M.A. Hapgood, (1999) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - JSOC-Pl Interface Test for Cluster-II", DS-JSO-TP-0010, May 1999.
M.A. Hapgood, (1999) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - Notes on the Interference Campaign", DS-JSO-TN-0025, May 1999.
M.A. Hapgood, (1999) "Space Environment Database and Analysis Tools. Report on SEDAT Commercial Evaluation", RAL-SED-RP-0402, May 1999.
M.A. Hapgood, (1998) "Space Environment Database and Analysis Tools. User Requirements Document for SEDAT Analysis Tools", RAL-SED-UR-0002, December 1998.
M.A. Hapgood, (1998) "Space Environment Database and Analysis Tools. Database User Requirements Document", RAL-SED-UR-0001, December 1998.
M.A. Hapgood, (1998) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - Use of Oracle in the Cluster Data Management System", DS-JSO-TN-0017, March 1998.
M.A. Hapgood, (1997) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - Cluster coordinate transformations", DS-JSO-TN-0008, October 1997.
Access via URL: http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/35899
M.A. Hapgood, (1997) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - Interface Control Document with the Cluster PIs", DS-JSO-ID-0002, March 1997.
M.A. Hapgood, (1996) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - JSOC use of the Cluster User Interface", DS-JSO-TN-0005, March 1996.
M.A. Hapgood, (1996) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - Note on the planning period boundary problem", DS-JSO-TN-0019, January 1996.
M.A. Hapgood, (1995) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - The JSOC planning scenario", DS-JSO-TN-0007, March 1995.
M.A. Hapgood, (1995) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - Selection of periods for inter-experiment comparison and scientific performance monitoring", DS-JSO-TN-0015, March 1995.
T.G.Dimbylow and M.A. Hapgood, (1994) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - Software Requirements Document", DS-JSO-SR-0001, November 1994.
M.A. Hapgood, (1994) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - PI Operations and Interface Requirements Document", DS-JSO-OR-0001, September 1994.
M.A. Hapgood, (1994) "Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre - The JSOC commanding scenario", DS-JSO-TN-0002June 1994.
S.N. Walker, D.L. Giaretta, M.A. Hapgood, D.R. Lepine, B.J. Read, H.St.C. Alleyne, L.J.C. Woolliscroft, M.A. Albrecht, A. Ciarlo and P. Torrente. (1992) "Conceptual Schema for a Space Physics Query Language: Detailed Description", RAL-92-046. (Extended version of refereed paper "A Space Physics Query Language for the European Space Information System".)
M. Dunlop, E. Golton, M.A. Hapgood and G.H. Spalding, (1992) "Study of Requirements for a Cluster Science Data Analysis Support Centre", Report on ESA contract 9411/91/NL/CC, February 1992.
D.L. Giaretta, M.A. Hapgood, D.R. Lepine, A.J. Penny, B.J. Read, H.St.C. Alleyne, S.N. Walker & L.J.C. Woolliscroft, (1991) "European Space Information System - Correlation Environment", Report on ESA contract 3- 6600/89/HGE-I, May 1991.
D.L. Giaretta, M.A. Hapgood, D.R. Lepine, B.J. Read, H.St.C. Alleyne, S.N. Walker & L.J.C. Woolliscroft, (1991) "European Space Information System - Space Physics Query Language", Report on ESA contract 3-6600/89/HGE-I, May 1991.
T.R. Sanderson, M. Albrecht, W. Baumjohan, P. Benvenuti, J Franks, G. Green, J.L. Green, M. Hapgood, C.C. Harvey, N.v.d. Heijden, E. Jabs, P.-A. Lindqvist, D. de Pablo, F. Pasian & G. Veldman (1988) "The European Space Physics Analysis Network", ESA Bulletin, Number 53, 45-47.
D Willis and M Hapgood, (1986) "Comparison with data from ground-based STP experiments" in "Scientific User Requirements for Handling, Archiving and Disseminating Space Data", Report on ESA contract 6175/85/NL/SK, ed. D. Ramsden, D.M. Willis and E. Dunford, RAL-86-063.
M.A. Hapgood and H. Rishbeth (eds) (1986) "Guide to International Data Exchange through the World Data Centres -Ionospheric Phenomena", RAL- 86-027.