Mike Hapgood: Conference proceedings

Shaul, DNA, Aplin, KL, Araujo, H, Bingham, R, Blake, JB, Branduardi-raymont, G, Buchman, S, Fazakerley, A, Finn, LS, Fletcher, L, Glover, A, Grimani, C, Hapgood, M, Kellet, B, Matthews, S, Mulligan, T, Ni, WT, Nieminen, P, Posner, A, Quenby, JJ, Roming, P, Spence, H, Sumner, T, Vocca, H, Wass, P and Young, P (2006), Solar and cosmic ray physics and the space environment: Studies for and with LISA, Proceeding of 6th International Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, JUN 19-23, 2006, Greenbelt, MD, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 873, 172-178.
Access via DOI: 10.1063/1.2405038

Chaizy, PA, Dimbylow, TG, Hapgood, MA, Hutchinson, MG and Allan, PM (2005), Increasing performance and productivity in planning orbiter science, Proceeding of 6th International Symposium on Reducing the Costs of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operation, 14-17 Jun 2005, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, ESA Special Publication 601, 172-178.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 2005ESASP.601E..12C
Access full text via: http://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work-details?w=34321

Hapgood, MA (2005), Cluster science planning – Lessons-learned for future plasma missions, Proceeding of Cluster and Double Star symposium, 5th anniversary of Cluster in Space,, 19-23 September 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, ESA Special Publication 598, 15-15.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 2006ESASP.598E..73H
Access full text via: http://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work-details?w=34239

Hapgood, MA and Lundin, R (2005), Use of on-board autonomy for future space plasma studies, Proceeding of Cluster and Double Star symposium, 5th anniversary of Cluster in Space, 19-23 September 2005, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, ESA Special Publication 598, 15-15.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 2006ESASP.598E..75H
Access full text via: http://sci.esa.int/science-e/www/object/doc.cfm?fobjectid=39655

Hapgood, MA, Eckersley, S, Lundin, R, Kluge, M, Prechtel, U and Hyvönen, P (2005), Nano satellite beacons for space weather monitoring, Proceeding of 5th ESA Round Table on Micro/Nano Technologies for Space, 3-5 October 2005, ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands, 15-15.
Access full text via: http://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work-details?w=34264

Chaizy, P, Dimbylow, T, Hapgood, M, Hutchinson, G and Ricketts, M (2004), Planning & Scheduling Within a Science Operation Centre Environment: The RAL Practical Experience, Proceeding of 4th international workshop on planning and scheduling for space, 23-25 Jun 2004, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, 1077-1090.
Access full text via: http://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work-details?w=34320

Volpp, J, Escoubet, CP, Foley, S, Godfrey, J, Hapgood, MA and Pallaschke, S (2004), Cluster Constellation Change Manoeuvres - Management and Operations, Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Space Operations, 17-21 May 2004, Montreal, Canada, 215-216.
Access full text via: http://www.aiaa.org/Spaceops2004Archive/downloads/papers/SPACE2004sp-template00091F.pdf

Hapgood, M (2002), Study of a European space weather programme, Proceeding of 2nd Euroconference on Solar Cycle and Space Weather, SEP 24-29, 2001, VICO EQUENSE, ITALY, ESA SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 477, 613-616.
Access via NASA ADS: 2002ESASP.477..613H

Harvey, CC, Allen, AJ, Baumjohann, W, Fazakerley, AN and Hapgood, MA (2000), Exchange and preservation of Cluster Science Data, Proceeding of Cluster-II Workshop on Multiscale/Multipoint Plasma Measurements, SEP 22-24, 1999, LONDON, ENGLAND, ESA SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS 449, 227-230.
Access via NASA ADS: 2000ESASP.449..227H

Hapgood, M and Lucek, E (1999), Interplanetary Scintillation and Space Weather Monitoring, Proceeding of Workshop on Space Weather, 11-13 November 1998, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, ESA WPP 155, 487-490.
Access full text via: http://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work-details?w=34267

Lockwood, M and Hapgood, MA (1999), The low-latitude boundary layer: Application of ISTP advances to past data, Proceeding of Toward Solar Max 2000 - The Present Achievements and Future Opportunities of ISTP and GEM Workshop, FEB 10-13, 1998, YOSEMITE NATL PARK, CA, GEOPHYSICAL MONOGRAPH SERIES 109, 103-111.
Access full text via: http://tinyurl.com/33wz7p7


Hapgood, MA and Bryant, DA (1992), Exploring the magnetospheric boundary layer, Proceeding of 26th ESLAB Symposium - Study of the Solar- Terrestrial System, 16-19 June 1992, Killarney, Ireland, ESA Special Publication 346, 133-138.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1992ESASP.346..133H

Hapgood, MA, Walker, SN and Wooliscroft, LJC (1992), Distributed Data Systems in Space Physics, Proceeding of 26th ESLAB Symposium - Study of the Solar- Terrestrial System, 16-19 June 1992, Killarney, Ireland, ESA Special Publication 346, 283-288.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1992ESASP.346..283H

Harrison, RA, Hapgood, MA and Sime, DG (1992), Detecting and tracking changes in solar wind conditions using interplanetary scintillation, Proceeding of 26th ESLAB Symposium - Study of the Solar- Terrestrial System, 16-19 June 1992, Killarney, Ireland, ESA Special Publication 346, 207-209.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1992ESASP.346..207H

Read, BJ and Hapgood, MA (1992), Approximate Joins in Scientific Databases in Practice, Proceeding of Sixth International Working Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 9-11 June 1992, Monte Verita, Switzerland, 123-131.

Hapgood, MA (1991), Database Services at World Data Centre C1 for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Proceeding of Workshop on Geophysical Informatics, August 1988, Moscow, USSR, UAG 99, 39-43.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1988gein.work...39H
Access full text via: ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/STP/SOLAR_DATA/UAG-Reports/UAG-099.pdf

Hapgood, MA (1991), Maintenance of digital and analogue databases, Proceeding of Workshop on Geophysical Informatics, August 1988, Moscow, USSR, UAG 99, 216-219.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1988gein.work..216H
Access full text via: ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov/STP/SOLAR_DATA/UAG-Reports/UAG-099.pdf

Hapgood, MA and Read, BJ (1991), Real Joins: Approximate Key Values in a Relational Database, Proceeding of First ERCIM Workshop on Database Theory, 16-18 October 1991, Amsterdam, 216-219.

Willis, DM, Doidge, CM, Hapgood, MA, Yau, KKC and Stephenson, FR (1988), Seasonal and secular variations of the Oriental Sunspot Sightings, Proceeding of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the last 10000 years, April 1987, Durham, UK, 187-202.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1988ssgv.conf..187W

Hapgood, MA and Rothwell, P (1982), Structure of small meteoroids deduced from two station low light level TV observations of meteor trails, Proceeding of NATO Advanced Study Institute on The Comparative Study of the Planets, 14-25 September 1981, Vulcano, Italy, 311-315.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1982csp..proc..311H

Taylor, MJ, Hapgood, M and Rothwell, P (1981), Upper atmosphere wave structure imaged in oxygen green line, sodium and the near infrared hydroxyl airglow emissions, Proceeding of 8th Annual Meeting on Upper Atmosphere Studies by Optical Methods, 8-11 September 1980, University College, Dublin, Ireland, 95-105.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1981uaso.conf...95T

Hapgood, MA, Collin, HL and Rothwell, P (1980), TV Observations of the Barium-GEOS ion jet experiment, Proceeding of 5th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmews and Related Research, 14-18 April 1980, Bournemouth, UK, ESA Special Publication 152, 293-296.
Abstract on NASA ADS: 1980ESASP.152..293H